November 3, 2009

SQL SERVER: Configure Database Mail with SQL SERVER 2005

We have used Database mail to send mail to client on each updates.This is a very simple process to configure. Let me share how to configure Database mail with SQL server 2005 with all of you. After setting up Profile and Account properly, you just need to write following code to send a mail to client:

Step 1:

Configure Database Mail Step 1

Step 2:

Configure Database Mail Step 2

Step 3:

Configure Database Mail Step 3

Step 4: You might get this message:

Configure Database Mail Step 4

Step 5: Create Profile

Configure Database Mail Step 5

Step 6 : Create Account

Configure Database Mail Step 6

That's it.

exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'ProfileName', IN our CASE, 'Tejas'
@recipients = 'Client Email Address' ,
@blind_copy_recipients = 'BCC Address',
@subject = 'Subject',
@BODY = 'Message Body',
@body_format = 'Message Type', it could be text OR html

Let me know if you have any complexity or comments in setting up Database mail.

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