June 15, 2011

Community TechDays at Ahmedabad, 2011

We had an excellent Community TechDays on 11th June 2011 at Ahmedabad. We have huge crowd to attend the sessions. Please find presentations and demos which speakers have presented during the session.

Harish Vaidyanathan [twitter]

Topic: HTML 5
Download Presentation and Demo Files


Jacob Sebastian [twitter | blog]

Topic: SQL SERVER Worst practices

Download Presentation and Demo Files


Pinalkumar Dave [twitter | blog]

Topic: SQL SERVER Performance troubleshooting using Waits and Queues


Tejas Shah [twitter | blog]

Topic: Asp.Net Tips and Tricks

Download Presentation and Demo Files


We will upload this session photos soon



June 4, 2011

Microsoft Community TechDays at Ahmedabad

Great News, Community TechDays event is back on 11th June, 2011 at Ahmedabad. This time I got a chance to have a session in this Community TechDays.

There are attractive sessions as follows:

1. HTML5 - Future of the Web, Harish Vaidyanathan, Evangelist Lead, Microsoft
2. SQL Server Performance Tuning, Pinalkumar Dave, Evangelist, Microsoft
3. T-SQL Worst Practices, Jacob Sebastian, Microsoft MVP
4. LightSwitch On The Cloud!, Mahesh Dhola
5. Asp.Net Tips and Tricks, Me (Tejas Shah)

Please register for the event ASAP.

CTD 201